Read the Bible passage Sermon outline
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Travel broadens the mind The fate of the nations Isa 13-23 is a series of prophecies about a group of nations What will happen to them? God will destroy them Why? Because they are proud How can God hold them responsible? The hope of the nations ‘Hope notes’ in…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A Perspective quake? Isaiah’s new perspective on God (v1-4) Isaiah’s new perspective on himself (v5-7) Isaiah’s new perspective on his mission (v8-10) Isaiah’s new perspective on the future (v11-13) The wonder-full perspective of the gospel of Christ
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Introduction – Living with buyer’s regret Gospel Mission and Costly Love (vv1-6) Gospel Mission and Costly Worship (vv7-21) Conclusion – Living with disciples hope
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Citizens growing together (2:12-13) Citizens shining together (2:14-18) Two model citizens (2:19-30) Timothy: Selfless gospel servant Epaphroditus: Courageous gospel soldier ‘Whatever happens, live as citizens worthy of the gospel of Christ.’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Christianity with its sleeves rolled up…Gospel Patrons Gospel Workers Gospel Family Ambition, partnership, and rolling up our sleeves today
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. Ambition?Paul and the boldness of grace (15:14-19) Paul and the ambitions of grace (15:20-24) Living with gospel ambition
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline A Serious Predicament The status quo (John 3:18,36) The Great Rescue Plan The big story The Great Rescue Mission Divine intent (4:1-4) A timely interruption (4:27-30) The…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Have you ever had a mission? God’s heart: Has never changed. Focused on the one plan. Is a missionary heart. Examining our hearts: How was Jonah’s heart so far from God’s? All of God’s people need a…. Trinity South Coast’s heart
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Ivory towers and feet on the ground Gospel team: the postmen (4:7-9) Gospel team: in Rome (4:10-14) Gospel team: in Colossae and Laodicea (4:15-17) Gospel team: Paul’s last word (4:18)