Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The Gospel Paul Preached (v1-11) If Christ is not raised (v12-19) Christ HAS been raised (v20-28)
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. The strange security of elect exiles: The God of all grace is the God of all power! (v. 10-11) So… shepherd with a willing, servant heart (v. 1-4) clothe yourselves with humility (v. 5-6) cast your anxiety on him (v. 7) resist your enemy the…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Secular suffering? The strangeness of suffering in Christ: Don’t be surprised… but rejoice! Don’t be ashamed… but praise God! Don’t lose perspective… but commit yourself to your faithful Creator and continue to do good. Suffering as a Christian
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Making the most of the time (1) Think like Jesus Look back at what Jesus did on the cross Finish with sin Living like this will mean suffering (2) Understand that everything is about to be wrapped up …
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Intro: “I could never do that” A Caution: GIGO, ChatGPT & “Odd“ Passages 1 — (v8-14) Doing what doesn’t come naturally. 2 — (vv15-22) What the heart loves, the Will chooses. Conclusion: A change of Heart.
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. A dirty word?? The key to being strangers in a strange land: Shine out the goodness of your homeland (v. 11-12) One beautiful way to do that: Submit yourselves (2:13-20; 3:1-7) to every human authority for the Lord’s sake so that God would be…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. We are strangers in a strange land. But what now? We are becoming a Holy Priesthood called to offer spiritual sacrifices. Jesus is our cornerstone. The Word of the Lord endures forever, the Love of the Lord endures forever. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Holier-than-thou? The strange holiness of God’s elect exiles: strains toward a thought-out hope (1:13) is modelled on our holy Father (1:14-16) is purchased by the precious blood of Christ (1:17-21) works itself out in deep love (1:22, 2:1) is fuelled by the living…
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. 1 Who we are in Christ (vs 1-2) 2 What we have in Christ (vs 3-5) 3 The preciousness of faith in Christ (vs 6-9) 4 Our privilege to see the fulfilment of faith (vs 10-12)
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. 1 Jesus proclaims that He is God A Jesus shows He is God B Jesus confesses He is God 2 Disciples believe Jesus is God A Disciples worship Jesus as God B Disciples confess Jesus is God 3 Live in confident…