Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Peace when it hurts? The glory due his name (v. 1-2) The glory of his voice (v. 3-9) The glory in his people (v. 9-11) Glory, strength, and peace
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. Peace when it hurts? The glory due his name (v. 1-2) The glory of his voice (v. 3-9) The glory in his people (v. 9-11) Glory, strength, and peace
Read the Bible passage Service Outline. God reveals His glory in creation God reveals His grace in His word God’s revelation saves and transforms us
Read the Bible passage Service Outline “Who do the crowds say I am? ” Meet Jesus: God’s anointed King (v. 18-20) Follow Jesus: The suffering Son of Man (v. 21-27) Listen to Jesus: The glorious Son of God (v. 28-36) But what about you?
Read the Bible passage Service Outline Longing for glory The transforming glory of God: … in his mighty works … in his provision … in his presence … in his goodness … in his Son ‘Transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory’
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline “We’re not ready…” In that day: The Lord will humble human pride (2:6-17) The Lord will destroy man-made idols (2:18-22) The Lord will judge oppressive leaders (3:1-15) The Lord will snatch away finery (3:16-4:1) The Lord will create lasting beauty, cleansing, and security (4:2-6) The glorious gospel: That day…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Prayer and the danger of familiarity… How not to pray “This, then is how you should pray”… Our Father in heaven hallowed by your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven “Grant your people grace to love what you command and…
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Making preparations Glory is coming… but Jesus is going (13:31-33) Life after Jesus = a life of witnessing love (13:34-35) = not self belief … (13:36-38) = … but hope-filled belief in God (14:1-4) = life with Jesus! (15:4-7) Life after Jesus in the Year of our Lord
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline Absolute power… The Son’s power and a great crowd (v. 1-4) and a great problem (v. 5-9) and a great feast (v. 10-13) and a great (but misguided) claim (v. 14-15) and a great storm (v. 16-21) Seeing, and living in, the power and goodness of the Son
Read the Bible passage Sermon outline. The mind of Christ: consumed with God’s glory (15:1-6) The great purpose: nations together glorifying God for his mercy (15:7-12) The promise of a united, God-glorifying people: joy, peace, and hope (15:13) Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.